
Karak Chai – A delightful tea to calm your senses

I remember as a child my entire family sitting around the courtyard and having at-least an hour long conversations over a good cup of tea and some evening snacks. This memory till today gets me joy and I wonder where my love for tea comes from and yes it is from my family!. After getting married I used to miss my lovely mothers tea way too often until I got hold of her secret recipe. It is strong, flavourful and aromatic which might tempt to you to go for another cup. Go ahead and try it and I am sure you too will become a fan of this addictive tea.



Cardamoms crushed,
Chunk dried ginger,
Cinnamon piece,
Tea leaves,
Black Pepper,
Rainbow Milk,


  • Boil Water and add Cardamoms, dried Ginger, Cinnamon, Tea leaves, Black Pepper and Cloves.
  • Boil for about a min
  • Filter the Tea in Cups
  •  Finally add the heated Rainbow Milk and Sugar
  • Karak Chai is ready to be served, enjoy


About Author

My love to try new food and cuisines evolved while I explore this beautiful world of ours, and over the years this love has become a passion. What better way to connect with people then through my blog.

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