Food Review

Boulevard Kitchen – Breakfast which gives you Joy, Manzil Downtown

I am not a morning person at all but when I know there is Breakfast involved I make sure my alarm clock rings way before time so I don’t end up missing my favorite meal of the day. After all a healthy start to a morning begins with a blissful breakfast. Manzil Downtown’s restaurant The Boulevard Kitchen has a appealing charm which not only catches your attention but also has a prestigious feel which has a transformative setting. In the day it is The Boulevard Kitchen and in the evening it becomes the overflow area for ever so popular The Courtyard which goes very well with the ambience.

The Breakfast spread here is rich where luscious dishes are spread all around the restaurant. You can either start with some morning energisers or sip on the usual powerful dose of Coffee. From Indian, Continental to British all Breakfast specialities can be found making this your favorite meal and most awaited meal of the day at Manzil Downtown.

After indulging in Egg Benedict, Shakshuka or even some sunny side ups make sure you have some space left for Crisp Waffles, Fresh Pancakes or even Glazed Donuts, doesn’t it already tempts you?

Either you are a tourist or a Dubai resident having breakfast at The Boulevard Kitchen will definitely make you happy and your tummy content with joy.

About Author

My love to try new food and cuisines evolved while I explore this beautiful world of ours, and over the years this love has become a passion. What better way to connect with people then through my blog.

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